acrobatics on the beach

Alexander Technique

with Tim Soar

   +44 (0)1792 296278

About Tim Soar

Tim Soar

Tim Soar has been a student of the Alexander Technique for over 35 years. At the time of his teacher training - 1990 to 1993 - several of the first generation teachers, who trained with FM Alexander, were still active, and Tim had the opportunity to learn directly from teachers such as Walter and Dilys Carrington, Peggy Williams, Elisabeth and Dick Walker, Marjory Barlow and Chili Eagar.

Tim's regular teaching practices are based in Swansea and Central London. He also teaches the Alexander Technique to performing arts students at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, in Cardiff. He runs an annual retreat for Alexander Technique and Yoga with his colleague Anna Goldbeck-Wood, in South Wales, and Tim is one of the listed Alexander teachers with the London Singing Institute.

Tim has a wide reputation for the sensitivity and precision of his hands-on work, and a particular interest in the non-verbal communication possible through highly skilled touch, and also through music and music making.

Tim is an amateur musician with an enthusiasm for early music, and as a movement practitioner, he has practised the Japanese martial art of Aikido - sometimes called "The Art of Peace" - for many years.


You can send an email either directly to timothy.soar (at), or by using the form here - please be sure to type your own email address correctly! Alternatively, my (UK landline) telephone number is 01792 296278 - please leave a message if I’m not able to answer.

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